Digitization, quality, sustainability, and flexibility: these are the main drivers of future technologies. The Food & Beverage (F&B) filling systems market is no exception.
Let’s find out together in the interview with our Filler Product Manager, Roberto Puglia.

Market trends affecting Food & Beverage filling technologies
What impact could a stronger focus on digitalisation have on the bottling and filling sector?
The impact of digitalisation on the bottling and filling sector would certainly be favorable from many points of view. The optimization of controls would lead to an overall qualitative increase. Timely monitoring of processes would improve performance and efficiency. Thanks to predictive systems (supported by rich databases), there would be a significant reduction in costs and times. The future of the sector would thus be characterized by general dynamism and rapid technological evolution, all from a green perspective.
Could you highlight the major trends affecting the food and beverage industry at the moment?
We are currently experiencing a double market situation. Parallel to the usual (and constant) demand for consolidated technologies, there is a substantial slice of the market that requires highly flexible solutions. This characteristic concerns both products and containers. The need is certainly linked to the great dynamism of world consumer habits.
What customers require
What are the main features that Food & Beverage customers are currently looking for in filling technologies?
There is a great deal of attention to the general qualitative aspects, as regards plants and products. The customer asks for flexible, hygienically performing filling systems capable of respecting the characteristics of the product. These aspects are of fundamental importance given the world trends in the field of food and beverage (natural products with new consistencies, capable of producing healthy effects if not altered in the processes). Parallel to what has been said, there are technical expectations related to the environment. The use of eco-sustainable technologies, capable of limiting waste and emissions, are now fundamental in the context of a negotiation.
How does consumer demand for healthy F&B products affect bottling and filling technologies?
Until a few years ago, the dividing line between filling machines dedicated to the food world and the beverage world was quite clear. The market demands referring to healthier products has definitely altered the aforementioned scenario. The technologies historically applied to the beverage world have undergone technical evolutions such as to allow their application in the food sector. There is great attention both for what concerns the constructive configuration (advanced hygiene and respect for the product) and for the processes related to the washing cycles (carried out in automatic mode and with regard to the environment).
What companies are doing and CFT’s response to this changing environment
Many companies are now expanding their product portfolios to include more diverse products such as plant-based beverages. How can the latest filling solutions allow the safe and efficient production of various product types with short changeovers?
Advanced automation, combined with “intelligent” filling systems, has optimized processes from multiple points of view. The weight or flow meter solutions allow dynamic adaptation of performance to real needs (of products, containers, processes). Flexibility, efficiency and safety represent the synthesis of what this innovation has brought.
What’s next for CFT Group with respect to filling technologies? Can we expect any new launches in the near future?
We are working on a new filling valve capable of handling various types of non-carbonated products. Hygiene and versatility were the main drivers that guided its development. It will be widely used both in the food and beverage sectors. It can be associated indiscriminately with weight or flow meters filling technology. The particular hydraulic design will also allow the treatment of products with particularly sensitive physical characteristics, ensuring their absolute integrity in terms of texture.
Roberto Puglia
Filler Product Manager
CFT Group
Interview published for FoodBev Media