The partnership between CFT Group and Naddeo Technologies S.r.l (“Naddeo”) allows the commercialization and distribution of a complete range of lines and machineries for fresh vegetables for end-users (so-called “fourth range market”).
Naddeo Technologies, an Italian player with over thirty years of history in the vegetable processing sector, designs and manufactures innovative and customized solutions for producers operating in the fresh vegetables sector. Naddeo’s portfolio includes a wide range of machineries for fresh vegetables and systems with high standards of hygiene, providing the best quality of the final product and its longer shelf-life.
This partnership allows CFT Group and Naddeo to work together in order to offer machines for fresh vegetables processing, including the phases of selection, chopping, washing and drying. The agreement with Naddeo is integral part of CFT Group’s strategy aimed to strengthen the competitive position of the Group in the market of fresh products processing.

Alessandro Merusi, CEO of CFT Group, stated:
“The partnership with Naddeo is an important factor for CFT Group’s development in the fresh vegetables market.
The end-users fourth range market is growing at a very interesting pace (+5.2{46ec2a3493715af7728c32a403f8e2e213c1486a2b6674762cf12f27ee9af20a} in 2017, +5.9{46ec2a3493715af7728c32a403f8e2e213c1486a2b6674762cf12f27ee9af20a} in 2018 and +3,1 in 2019 according to Nielsen Market researches); this type of products responds to the consumers’ need to buy high quality, ready-to-eat fresh products. Being an industrial machinery provider, we pay close attention to the trends of the underlying markets since they anticipate the needs of our clients.
For such reason, we decided to invest in order to grow strongly in the market of machineries for fresh vegetables processing, which is part of our wider “Product Treatment” category including complete solutions for fresh and pre-cooked vegetables as well as technologies for thermic treatment of packaged and non-packaged products.
The partnership with Naddeo is part of such framework and will allow us to join our expertise and technologies in order to strengthen our commercial presence in the market of vegetable producers specialized in the fresh products, in which we already have many references, in particular in the “Sorting” division, thanks to our affiliate company Raytec Vision.
Further synergies in the fourth range market will arise from both the “cross selling” of processing plants for the production of soups, sauces, pre-cooked dishes and juices and the use of robotic technology applied to the fresh products, which, together with the most advanced vision systems, will allow a significant increase of automation level in industrial processes”.